Sunday, August 8, 2010

Day 6 of 30: Disposable Heroes

A song that reminds me of a place:

I once summered in Maine. To be more precise I stayed for about a month with my grandparent's in New Hampshire near Maine and ventured over the Mainey border almost daily. I took with me a back pack full of clothes and a gym bag full of tapes. For all my worry about needing just the right tape for every occasion, only about two got any attention. The Dead Milk Men's "Death Rides A Pale Cow" and Metallica's "Master of Puppets."

Most of the songs on these records have become part of my normal rotation and so have lost any nostalgia attached to them. But the rarely brought up "Disposable Heroes" kept its salt and pine aroma. This song pops up and I see the apple orchard of the monastery where I learned to drive a truck. I see the tomato garden and maple forest of that same monastery. I taste bagels and coca-cola. I play hearts with my late grandmother and great aunt. It's funny really how a song about war can conjure so many non-warlike memories. It was the first song on the second side of the tape, and I was generally just trying to get to Orion (still my favorite Metallica song.)

So that's that for this. Maybe tomorrow I'll have something worth reading? Here's the song if you want to listen, not that'll it'll have any effect on you.

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